The 2004 NHL Playoffs have just begun. And as I typed this, the Nashville Predators scored the first goal. As readers who aren’t reading this via RSS may have noticed, there’s a Ottawa Senators logo at the top right of this page as a show of support for my hometown team, who have promised the Stanley Cup for the city of Ottawa this year. I apologize in advance for those of you coming here for poker posts. You may be getting a bit of an extra dose of hockey for the next couple months. I’ll still be talking about poker often, but the odd hockey post might slip in there as well.
Archive for the ‘General’ Category
And the puck drops…
Wednesday, April 7th, 2004Change of Pace
Monday, April 5th, 2004First, the good news. I went to the doctor this afternoon and he confirmed that it’s probably just a bruise on my heel and though it may hurt quite a bit, it will heal on it’s own. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the gel heel cushion he recommended at the pharmacy in my building so I’m going to have to continue to lurch around on the ball of my foot. I’m going to keep icing it regularly and hope that it might be ready to go for my second playoff volleyball game in two weeks. Hopefully my team can manage to pull off the victory tonight.
The bad news is that another of my pool players is injured. We drafted our players on Saturday before the regular season was over because it was the best chance we had to all get together. But while Bondra seems to be ok after taking that elbow from Domi on Saturday night, Kariya went down in his game yesterday and a questionable start in the first rounds. Because we did it early, I should be able to replace the pick, but I’m not sure who else I would choose. I loaded up with some Avalanche players in the west because I figure between all their scorers and questionable keeper, they should have some nice long, high scoring series.
The best news is I found my game again. I hit the NL25 tables at Empire at 5:30 and managed to triple up in about 40 minutes. I was also playing a .5/1 table as well, just to help keep the boredom at bay, but only ended up breaking even there. But, that makes up for most of my loss yesterday. I think I may follow Iggy‘s advice and stay away from the 1/2 tables. I’ll work on my bankroll at multi-table .5/1 and NL25 until I can skip up to 2/4. For whatever reason those 1/2 tables have been cursed and as much as I’d like to see that big red number in the 1/2 row in Poker Tracker turn green, it’s a big hill right now.
Limping for real
Saturday, April 3rd, 2004Well, the biggest story coming out of my PLHE tourney on Friday actually came after the games on my way home. I was supposed to get a ride back to my house, but the driver decided to just drop me off at the subway line. If I’d realized that was going to be the case, I would have left on my own earlier, as it was getting pretty tight to last train. When I got out of the car, his clock read 1:48 and when I went through the turnstile of the station, the last train was listed as coming in at 1:49. I hurried down to the platform, but heard a train pulling into the station. Figuring this was the last train of the night, I tore around the corner and down the stairs. Halfway down the second flight of stairs, I leapt the remaining 6-10 steps, trying to turn in midair to scramble onto the train before the doors closed. I came down hard on my right foot as I planted for the turn and I felt a horrible pain shoot up my foot. I did manage to squeeze through the closing doors at the last minute, but I could only hobble to my seat. I really should have realized that I’m carrying a bit too much extra weight to be trying stunts like that.
Seating in my seat I was trying not to shudder with the intense pain. I pulled out my Blackberry to check email and saw the time was 1:35. I’d actually had a full 15 minutes to spare. Needless to say I was not extremely pleased with the guy who had promised me a drive home.
Unfortunately it was not feeling any better this morning. I’m not sure if it just severely bruised or whether I broke anything. At first I thought it was just bruising, but the pain when I put pressure on it a few times today makes me worried it could be something worse. I’m planning on having it checked out either tomorrow or Monday. The one thing that is certain is that I won’t be able to play in the playoff volleyball game I have Monday or the ultimate game I have on Tuesday. I am pretty pissed about that.
That actually wasn’t the only interesting story from Friday. I’ve got some good tales from the tournament, but they’ll have to wait until tomorrow to tell.
Chili Cookoff & Poker Lessons
Friday, April 2nd, 2004Last night we had a company Chili Cookoff event here at the office and I, along with 4 others, contributed my chili for the judgment of my peers. It was pretty informal, so things never came down to a vote, but my chili was the first to be finished off, so I take that as a good sign. Got a lot of compliments as well, which was great. I was a bit concerned because when I first cooked it up Wednesday night, I had salted the beef a little too much when I prepared it, and the chili was tasting too salty. But, a day in the slow cooker at the office and another jalapeno completely removed the salt taste and I ended up with a chili I was very proud of.
As part of the event, I had agreed to run a poker tutorial for anyone who was interested in learning how to play. I only ended up with a few “students” but I had a lot of fun teaching them the basics of Texas Hold’em while the 2003 WSOP played in the background. Of course, since we were just using play money while I was giving lessons, the idea of folding bad hands was hard to impress on people when they could just chase, chase, chase for free. But at least it will give them a base if they ever feel interested in pursuing the game.
In other news, a buddy of mine is coming back from his 4 month trip down under and I’m looking forward to mocking seeing him again.
Also, tonight’s my bi-weekly home PLHE tourney. Looks like we’re going to top last week’s turnout by a few bodies. *knock on wood* Hopefully no one drops out last minute. And hopefully I’ll have a bit better luck at it than I did last time.
Monday Night
Monday, March 29th, 2004I just got back from volleyball – we squeaked out a win at the end – and I’m exhausted. Unfortunately, that means my anxiously awaited post about Sunday’s PJK tourney is going to have to wait until tomorrow. I promised Felicia a good read and I don’t want to let her down. ;)
Home again, home again
Saturday, March 27th, 2004I just got back from my California business trip last night. Started off great with a drive up the coast from San Francisco, before we turned back east to Petaluma, where we were staying. The business itself was very successful, though they were long days of meetings. And my boss upgraded our tickets to executive class on the way back, so it was great capper to a great trip. Unfortunately I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, so I’m taking it easy, hoping that it doesn’t develop into another full on cold.
I didn’t end up spending too much time reading about poker, but I’m hoping that taking a week off will give me a fresh perspective on my game nonetheless. Tomorrow is the first PJK (Poker Journal Keepers) tournament organized by Felicia over at Planet Poker and I’m really looking forward to it. Although I am a bit disappointed that more people don’t have their act together, as there are only 7 people registered to play as of right now. So, if you’re a PJK reading this right now, go make sure you have money in your Planet account and that Felicia gets your email address into Planet so that we can see each other across the felt tomorrow night.
Now I just have to go read the 100+ blog posts I’ve missed while I was gone.
Weekend woes
Monday, March 22nd, 2004After my friend left Saturday I dove into the pools at Party to try my luck at 1/2. Apparently that was a bad idea and over the course of a long night I managed to drop 20BB after being up 10BB early. I found it a real struggle and never really felt comfortable in the games. Was probably a sign I should have called it a night early, but I was determined to play through and put a good amount of time into it.
Sunday I was doing a bit better, but it helped that I was hit by some good cards in an early afternoon session. I left after only a couple dozen hands with 12BB and some errands to do. When I got back home, I quickly dropped back close to even and had trouble putting anything together. I was feeling a bit better about my game however, I just wasn’t getting the cards to work with.
Ended the night at a PL 25$ table. Some truly crazy people there. But my big pot came with pocket aces. It ended up with a 8J423 board with 3 clubs. I was pretty sure he hadn’t hit anything but top pair, but I overbet by calling the pot (which was 12$ at that point) I was surprised (and frightened) when he called, but the pot was pushed to me and I happily made up back up to 12BB on the day. I figured he was just a typical Party fish calling it down, but I checked in Pokertracker later and saw he had pocket kings. Poor guy.
Overall the weekend felt like a real grind and I’m thinking that I probably need to take a bit of a break from poker.
But, the most important news coming out of this weekend is that Felicia has got the weekly PJK tournament set up with Planet Poker. She’s done a great job getting a much better structure than you can usually get at online poker sites, so it’s going to be a lot of fun. She is also promising celebrities, which could be interesting. If you’re a PJK (Poker Journal Keeper), even a unskilled one like I am, I’d highly recommend heading to Felicia‘s site and signing up. These tournaments are going to be a ton of fun and a great learning experience. All for the low, low price of twenty bucks.
Alas, this may be the last entry until the weekend. I’m heading out to California on business tomorrow and won’t be back until late Friday. But I’m hoping to take the forced break from poker to reflect on my game and to re-read some poker books so I’ll come in fresh to the Sunday tournament. Not that I have the slightest chance in hell of bringing home any money, but it would be nice if I could someone swing the final table.
Truly Up
Friday, March 19th, 2004Was feeling a little bit under the weather again, but the tables at True and the last of my bonus deposit were beckoning. Unfortunately, the holes in my game that have been plaguing me all week were still not completely plugged, and a little impatience at the table had me hovering at 10BB down. Since my biggest problem is having the patience to wait for good cards, especially when I have my premium starters cracked, it should hopefully be helped by moving off True to a faster playing site.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that the fish weren’t in the waters. And I was even one of them. I get stuck with A6o in MP and decide that I want to see a flop. The board comes J5A(4)(K) and I call bets all the way along with two others in the hand. The better turns A2o, called A3o, and my A6 takes it down. I could not believe that there’d be two other people in the hand with such weak aces – I didn’t even feel that I should really have been there. But I don’t think it was completely a bad play, as I had seen both players call bets – and raises – with only second or third pair, but even with that assessment, I wasn’t getting quite good enough odds on my money (figured it was probably a 3-1 chance my hand was good).
Later on I’ve pulled back to even (and my 10$ bonus is unlocked) so I was just playing out my last orbit before calling it a night. Nothing but the most premium of cards would get me into the game. Of course, I look down and see AA, an old friend who hasn’t come calling in a while. I raise it and we’re down to four people in the hand. Board comes TQK, all hearts. UTG bets out and I’m a bit concerned, but I’ve got the Ah, so there are some outs even if he does have the flush. But really, I just figure him on top pair, maybe two pair, so I raise. Everyone calls and the turn comes Jd. I’ve got the straight now, and UTG just checks so I suspect that my hand is good and I bet. The other two fold and it’s heads up going to the river. A king hits the board and I groan when UTG bets out. I make the crying call and he turns over his KJ for the boat. I was just about to leave a couple dollars up on the night, instead I’m in the hole and it’s getting late.
But I guess the poker gods felt bad about the pummelling they just gave me and they start sending me flops. Two hands after the aces I limp with QJo and drag a small pot when a J hits on the flop and the field folds after the turn. The next hand in the BB blind my QJo turns into two pair. I try to slowplay the big field, but there are no betters, and the turn bet folds most of the field. I pull in another small pot. Then it’s 42o in the small blind, but since the SB is still a full bet, I see the 4J4 on the flop. I again try to slowplay but the field folds to the button’s first bet (which I flat called) and I only get the check-raise on the turn and bet on the river. Still, my -5BB pocket aces just got made up with +10BB in good flops. I play out the next orbit and see the flop only once, where I fold my AQo with a Kxx board.
This put me 6BB to the good for the night. And I’ve unlocked my last 10$ bonus. The last three night’s of play have made up the cost of the WBT II event, plus a little extra for my backroll, so I’m at least satisfied, if not exactly happy. There were some huge fish at True and I really should have taken more money off them. I mostly feel good about my play, but I know my lack of patience was hurting me at times. Hopefully when I move back to Party, or another faster dealing site, that won’t be as much of an issue. Or, you know, maybe I could just learn to be more patient at the table. Nah! Why should I do any of the work?
Tonight is the 5th of my bi-weekly tournaments. We’re getting a few new bodies and we might finally hit 18 players. Hopefully I can continue my trend of money finishes, but maybe this time I could win it. Again, that’s going to require some patience, particularly when we get down to the last few players. I always get frustrated trading blinds back and forth and end up picking a bad moment to make a move.
Wednesday, March 17th, 2004I’ve now officially been on my diet for a full week. I’ve lost 8 pounds, but that is just weight I’ve put on since my last push. And the weight always comes off quickly when I start eating healthy again. Then I hit the wall (as I did at the beginning of the week) and things stay constant for a few days before the loss slowly begins again. There will probably be a small relapse because of St. Patrick’s Day today, but it’ll be back to the grind tomorrow. I want to get back to fighting shape for sports this summer. Not that I’ve every really been in fighting shape (in terms of weight) but if I can play sports at the level I do now, dropping another 20 pounds will do a lot towards stepping it up.
I had my usual Tuesday night ultimate game last night and we played very solid for a convincing victory. I had an old teammate subbing for us and it was great to get to play with her again. The familiarity between us and another player on my team made for some great plays. I’m going to have to start seriously thinking about what I’m going to do for ultimate in the summer however, as my usual team has fragmented somewhat.
I swung by the bookstore on my way home and discovered a new book by Guy Gavriel Kay while making my usual circuit. Kay is one of my favourite authors and his Finovar Tapestry trilogy is perhaps my favourite book. It is always a pleasure to find a new novel of his on the shelf. I also broke down and picked up the hardcover of The Da Vinci Code. I’ve been hearing good things about this book forever and I devoured his previous two novels when I tracked them down in paperback, so I’ve been looking forward to reading this. I thought I’d have the patience to purchase the paperback, but with 30% off, plus an additional 10% with my discount card, I couldn’t resist. I also saw the trade for Gibson’s Pattern Recognition and added that to my bag as well. I came very close to grabbing the hardcover of Neal Stephenson’s Quicksilver, but it didn’t have that 30% off sticker, so I held back. Of course, I just checked online now and Indigo has it listed online as 30% off, so I may have to order if after finishing this post.
Of course, the reason why I stopped into the bookstore on my way back from ultimate was to check to see if they had the most recent issue of Canadian Poker Player. I figured the magazine’s title summed me up pretty well, so I decided to pick it up and give it a read. This is the third issue, and the first available at retail outlets – the first two were distributed only at casinos. Some of it was good, some not so good. And it was nice to see a listing of all the legal poker rooms in Canada – not too many of them.
Played a few more hours on True Poker last night as well. Was running pretty well, but then my connection died – after a raise with a premium starting hand, with my all-in protection having been used about 23 hour previously – and my fortunes began to turn. This time I can pinpoint most of the bad play that cost me money, though I had my share of bad luck as well. I was actually down to 7$ of the 49$ I came to the table with at one point.
But for the second night in a row I buckled down after some bad play and started playing solid poker. I think I’ve been associating the True Poker interface with the type of play I saw at the tournament in the back of my mind, and haven’t been playing correctly on tables where 6 people may call my pre-flop raise. My big hand was an AKs that turned into trip aces on the flop. Oddly enough there were two people in the hand, one of which raised a bet ahead of me. I was worried about the made boat, but I’ve been too paranoid recently so I re-raised and the bettor and raiser called. The raiser leads the bet on the turn, a blank that gave me a four-flush. I raised it up and the other two called again. On the river (made my ace-high flush)it was checked around to me and I extracted a single bet from each of them. The raiser ended up having pocket tens while the other had A7o. It felt real good to drag that 20.5BB pot, my biggest in quite some time.
I fought on for another hour or so after that, but it was getting late and I called it a night down 2.5BB. But I did unlock the next 10$ of my bonus, so I turned a small profit. I should be beating these games straight though. There are a lot of fish willing to pay me off. I just have to be careful not to grow fins myself every once in a while.
Taking the plunge
Tuesday, March 16th, 2004Well, tonight was the night. After squaring away some work I brought home, I started up True Poker to take my chances at my new 1$/2$ limit.
First thing I noticed is that True Poker really doesn’t believe in anything smaller than a 1$ chip, as both the big and small blinds were a dollar. So, instead of 1.50$ an orbit, it’s 2$. That just goes to make the deposit bonus (of which 10$ is unlocked for everyone 100 raked hands) even less of a value. No matter. I’m not a fish. I am a poker player. I’ve read my Sklansky. I’ve ground my way up through the lower limits. This game will be no sweat for one such as I!
Fifty dollars later, my confidence isn’t quite so high. There was some bad play in there, but a lot of it was cold cards. I was playing my premium cards hard, but never got paid off. KK turns into a set on the flop, but the flush possibility hits on the turn, and the river brings a fourth club on board. Otis from Up For Poker. You can go read his post about how he has parlayed his 196$ tourney win from the WBT II into a very comfortable bankroll at True Poker. He looked to be doing reasonably well, but I couldn’t catch a break and eventually dropped the entire 50$ in chips that I’d brought to the table.
Oddly enough, I wasn’t too bothered by it and after sitting two hands, I bought in for another 40$. I knew I was playing reasonably well, and there was definitely money to be made at the table. In fact, most of my losses were from being staying in hands far too long. Over the next few orbits I managed to drop another 10$. Then Otis and the other big stack left the table and my luck started to turn.
My hands were starting to hold up and I was able to work my stack up to 59$ before the table broke up. But I was feeling in the groove so I quickly hopped onto another nearly full table. My solid play continued to pay off, and I managed to make some good reads on some rather scary boards to drag some pots I would have run away from at the last table. By the end of my 3.5 hour session, I’d brought my stack up to a respectable 89$. Still -0.5BB on the evening, but I view it as a big win after a bad run of cards. And with the first 10$ of my bonus added to my account, I’m actually up 9$ on the night and I’m a quarter of the way towards unlocking the next 10$.
In the end, I was pretty happy with my first night at 1/2. It felt a bit more serious than it probably should have, as I’m still playing for pretty low stakes, but I think that was in part due to the atmosphere created by True’s interface. It also could have been because was watching Rounders while playing.
Name change
Sunday, March 14th, 2004I started this site with the name tp’s tidbits for lack of a better idea when I first threw things together. I wasn’t really happy with it, but I figured since I wasn’t actually dropping the URL anywhere, I had some time to change it.
But then Iggy stumbled across it somehow – I still don’t know how – and mentioned me in his blog to his millions of readers. And I started getting visitors.
I still wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with this space, post about poker, about life, about games, about … whatever, so I just left things the way they were.
Of course, anyone who’s been reading for the past couple weeks knows that my posts have focused mostly on poker. This is partly because it’s my major interest right now and partly because I enjoy being a part of the great poker blogging community that exists out here on the web. I’ve felt some trepidation about making non-poker-related posts because of the small audience I do have and I’ve been considering splitting off a separate blog for other writing.
But, that time is not yet. I’m enjoying my poker blogging and I don’t feel too pressing a need for other expression, so I’m going to continue on as I have been. But I still need a better name. I’ve settled on tpfelt for my cardroom name (though I have different ones on Party and Empire), but I couldn’t come up with anything for the site. It finally hit me 15 minutes ago. I couldn’t get away from the alliteration, but at least it was something a little more appropriate.
Welcome to the newly rechristened tp’s table talk. Enjoy your stay.
WBT II @ TruePoker revisited
Friday, March 12th, 2004What a hectic day I’ve been having, getting stuff organized for multiple projects, running between meetings. I finally just got a few moments of my own to make a post.
In my rush to post about the WBT II yesterday, I forgot to include the list of the winners. So, today I’d like to officially congratulate the following:
1) Otis B Dart from Up For Poker ($196)
2) ChrisHal from Chris Halverson’s Blog ($140)
3) PaulyMcGrupp from Tao of Poker ($112)
4) STICKandMOVE from STICKandMOVE ($84)
5) FeliciaLee from Felicia’s Poker Talk ($28)
Particular kudos to Otis, who was the only player from my starting table to make the money. Hopefully that’ll be me next time. I had been planning on trying to collect a complete list of the finishes from the tournament, but it looks like minorthird over at down to the felt started on that, so I will leave it to him. If you played in the tournament, I’d recommend heading over there to tell him where you finished. There are still a few names from the WBT that I couldn’t place with a particular site, so it would be great to make all those connections.
Speaking of not making the money, I played a little poker last night. I hopped onto Party, hoping that my luck would be different than it has been for the last month on Empire. Sure enough, the change back to green felt spelled money and I quickly went up 10BB within 5 minutes. The next half hour didn’t change much so I took a break to get some things done around the house.
When I came back to my computer, I decided I’d try my luck in a 10+1 SNG, so I checked which tables were able and sat myself down. After the table was full, the cards were dealt. What’s this? Face down cards? That’s strange. Why does everyone have 2 face down cards and 1 face up? Ah crap. I’ve just sat down at a seven card stud SNG. Oops. So much for the 10$ I’d won in my ring game.
Now, I’ve played tons of seven card stud, but never online and never in a casino (as I’ve yet to play poker in a casino). So, this was new to me. But I actually ended up doing not too badly. Managed to bluff some pretty good pots and made some halfways decent hands. I actually had the chip lead at various times over the course of the game before losing it to my aggressive play. I even had a good chip lead going into the final four before I lost it chasing someone I was sure I had beat. Eventually I was even with the second and third player in chips, maybe a hundred or so below when I got pulled into a pot and ended up going all-in with trip aces and lost to a boat, kings over sixes. Now, he was showing the sixes, but only had one king up. I was burned by my aggressive play earlier as I knew he would have called me down with only two pair, figuring my ace pair was the best I had. And he had a 4-1 chip advantage over me. And he had just won about 5 hands in a row with ridiculous cards and I was looking for revenge. But I ended up out on the bubble. If I’d only sat back and been cautious, I could probably have drifted into third, and maybe even second. But no, I have to be aggressive, even in a game I don’t have all that much experience with. Serves me right.
I ended up going back to the ring game and managed to turn a small profit on the night, but it was disappointed after I should have ended up 20$ or 30$ to the good. And now it looks like I might have to consider loading up at Planet so I can get into Felicia‘s regular sunday night game that she’s starting up. I’m not sure I’m really ready to start making my blogger donations a weekly affair.
Another day, another dollar
Wednesday, March 10th, 2004Well, I think I’m on the mend, though I’m still not feeling anyhere near 100%. Hopefully I’ll remain coherent enough to get through my day at the office and to avoid going out first in tonight’s World Poker Blogger Tournament. Unfortunately I only got about 3 hours of sleep last night, so we’ll see how things go.
I managed to get a little bit of poker in yesterday, but nothing spectacular to report. I pretty much ignored all my weaknesses that I’ve mentioned here and lost a bit of money. I think I might need to take a little bit of a break from poker. Just a few days to recharge my batteries and get over this cold. Then again, maybe I just need to focus a bit more when I’m at the table.
Oh, apparently the Canadian Idol winner Ryan Malcolm is downstairs at BMG right now. And I don’t think I could care any less. Celebrity is a very strange thing.
I found out the price for the table we test drove on Friday. He wants $370 (Canadian, about $275 US) for it. It’s a very good table, but it’s going to take a while for me to make the money back for it with the $2 entry fee at my bi-weekly tournament. I’m leaning towards getting it, as I’m not sure I’d ever get one cheaper, but I’m hesitant about dropping that much money.
Monday, March 8th, 2004I just had the most thoroughly miserable day. Was feeling pretty ill and I managed to drop $20 at a table in Empire over the course of an hour. I guess I should have stuck with the plan and not ventured into a game while doped up on medication. But I was pretty bored just reading in bed all day, even watching Season 1 of Alias stop being interesting. I was playing ok poker, but had a few brutal suckouts that were pretty demoralizing. I really need to start stabilizing my play. Whenever I get down, I start concentrating on making my money back instead of focusing on playing good poker.
Because I was unable to round up a sub for my volleyball game tonight, I ended up playing. I had some experience with the opposing team before, so I was pretty sure they would have defaulted us for not having 6 players, even though we had a good reason. After I was able to shake myself out of a bit of a daze, I played not too badly. In fact, our whole team player pretty well and we won what was our better matches of the seasons. We always seem to play better against better teams. But I got home feeling a bit run down. After a shower though, I wasn’t quite ready for bed, so I hopped on Empire.
I decided to hit a 5+1 SNG for a little practice before I surrender my money on Wednesday. I had intended to hit a limit table – how that would be practice for the tournament is an interesting question – but didn’t check and ended up in a pot limit game. I realized it was for the best, as it would be better practice. For the record, fish at a 5+1 table are crazy. Someone went out on the very first hand. And they didn’t even have much of a hand.
I played pretty cautiously, waiting to hit a hand to try to earn some chips. As I determined who was reckless and who was a bit more solid, I started stealing a few pots to keep pace with the blinds. Enough succeeded to keep me slightly ahead of the curve. As we got closer to the bubble, people started to tighten up and I started to take advantage, stealing where I could and putting pressure on the small stacks. Going in to the last three, I had a small chip lead.
The final three did not last very long as my opponents were very happy to call me when I put them all-in. And they called with pretty marginal hands. It was the quickest I’ve ever finished a tournament in the final three. And it was a nice $19 in my account.
Of course, I couldn’t be happy there. I was only a quarter away from breaking even on the day, so I went back to the .5/1 table to try to squeeze out a small win. Of course, my 97 in the big blind turns in two pair on the J97 flop, but the AT stays in to hit his runner runner broadway straight. So, instead being down for a quarter, I’m facing down for $5. I guess I’ll need to concentrate on playing good poker.
Monday, March 8th, 2004I just had the most thoroughly miserable day. Was feeling pretty ill and I managed to drop $20 at a table in Empire over the course of an hour. I guess I should have stuck with the plan and not ventured into a game while doped up on medication. But I was pretty bored just reading in bed all day, even watching Season 1 of Alias stop being interesting. I was playing ok poker, but had a few brutal suckouts that were pretty demoralizing. I really need to start stabilizing my play. Whenever I get down, I start concentrating on making my money back instead of focusing on playing good poker.
Because I was unable to round up a sub for my volleyball game tonight, I ended up playing. I had some experience with the opposing team before, so I was pretty sure they would have defaulted us for not having 6 players, even though we had a good reason. After I was able to shake myself out of a bit of a daze, I played not too badly. In fact, our whole team player pretty well and we won what was our better matches of the seasons. We always seem to play better against better teams. But I got home feeling a bit run down. After a shower though, I wasn’t quite ready for bed, so I hopped on Empire.
I decided to hit a 5+1 SNG for a little practice before I surrender my money on Wednesday. I had intended to hit a limit table – how that would be practice for the tournament is an interesting question – but didn’t check and ended up in a pot limit game. I realized it was for the best, as it would be better practice. For the record, fish at a 5+1 table are crazy. Someone went out on the very first hand. And they didn’t even have much of a hand.
I played pretty cautiously, waiting to hit a hand to try to earn some chips. As I determined who was reckless and who was a bit more solid, I started stealing a few pots to keep pace with the blinds. Enough succeeded to keep me slightly ahead of the curve. As we got closer to the bubble, people started to tighten up and I started to take advantage, stealing where I could and putting pressure on the small stacks. Going in to the last three, I had a small chip lead.
The final three did not last very long as my opponents were very happy to call me when I put them all-in. And they called with pretty marginal hands. It was the quickest I’ve ever finished a tournament in the final three. And it was a nice $19 in my account.
Of course, I couldn’t be happy there. I was only a quarter away from breaking even on the day, so I went back to the .5/1 table to try to squeeze out a small win. Of course, my 97 in the big blind turns in two pair on the J97 flop, but the AT stays in to hit his runner runner broadway straight. So, instead being down for a quarter, I’m facing down for $5. I guess I’ll need to concentrate on playing good poker.
Sick and tired
Monday, March 8th, 2004Well, it seems like my cold is just getting worse. I ended up staying home from work today, but I’m feeling enough out of sorts that I’m hesitant to sit down at a poker table online. I’ll have to be satisfied with the $18 I pulled out yesterday. I guess I should probably throw some money in my TruePoker account though, so there won’t be any problems for the tournament Wednesday. Ugh, I think I’m going to go crawl back into bed.
The wide world of poker
Thursday, March 4th, 2004I had a great dinner last night at a Portugese restaurant with an old friend I hadn’t seen in far too long. The BBQ chicken, roast potatoes and rice was pretty simple, but the hot sauce it comes with to dip is to die for. I’m looking forward to going back in the summer when they have the patio open and apparently they have BBQ pig on a spit that they serve while you are waiting for your meal. And I have to order some of the other delicious sounding things on their menu.
I came home late and sated and decided to forgo poker for the evening, so no poker tales today (for which my friend Chris is probably grateful. Instead, I’m going to update my link list to the right with a few more of the great poker blogs that I read on a regular basis. I still haven’t listed everything yet, but I’ve got most of my favourites up. Of course, davidross doesn’t have an official blog of his own, but I love his weekly updates over at 2+2.
tp at TP
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2004I played in my Tuesday night Ultimate game last night and we won handily. Of course, the other team was short a player, so it wasn’t much of a contest. But it was good to get the female players some more action. They were making a lot of good catches and throws and were learning how to move to space.
Because of the game, I didn’t get home until a later in the evening. At first I was going to forgo poker for the evening, but when I saw that I had my cashout confirmation from Empire, I decided that maybe I would test the waters at TruePoker. From what I had read from other bloggers, I was looking forward to the experience.
Unfortunately, when I got it installed, I saw that the lowest real money stakes were 1/2. I’ve always promised myself that I wouldn’t move up a limit until I hit 200BB, so I decided I would just play around on the play money tables to familiarize myself with the interface. I played for a good 2-3 hours (losing 10BB or so) and I’m still not sure that I like it. I went from enjoying the novelty of it to disliking all the extraneous features to a comfortable satisfaction. I’ll have to put in some more time before I decide if I want to put some money in when I get my bankroll to the 200BB mark. I’m also going to have to check out what the formula is for unlocking the 20% sign-up bonus.
Of course, with that 200BB goal looming over me, I started up a table at Empire so I could try to make some money while getting used to TruePoker. Of course, it didn’t quite work out like that. I was 12BB down before I knew it. I shouldn’t have started up another table when I was paying so much attention to the TV and already distracted by a foreign table. I was down at 2$ of my 20$ buy-in at one point but managed to claw my way back up to 15$ with some solid play with some pretty unspectacular cards. Unfortunately, I fought a little too hard to get back up to even and ended up at 5$ when the table broke. If it weren’t for my bad play at the start of the session (which cost me 12$ and an additional 3-8$ when I went to the felt on a good flop) I would have posted a small profit on the night. Instead I’m another 15$ distant from the 200BB mark. Hopefully I’ll be able to hit the nice run I’m about due soon and I’ll finish off the difference quickly. Then I can move to squeaking out small profits at a slightly higher limit. Still, I’m averaging 6.5BB/hr according to Poker Tracker, and that’s not accounting for me huge wins when I first started playing online before I realized I could request hand histories.
15 seconds of fame
Sunday, February 29th, 2004I just got back from visiting some friends in Cambridge and instead of taking the nap I meant to, I took a quick shower and sat down at my computer. First thing I do is start the poker blog tour, catching up on the weekend’s posts. Since I took Friday off from work, I was anticipating a bit of a backlog, but I didn’t get any farther than checking the first poker site listed to the right. Iggy at Guinness and Poker is probably the king of poker bloggers, and a strong supporter of the blogger community. But, today when I visited, I didn’t even get through his first new post.
There it was, near the end of Thursday’s post, a link to my very own small weblog. I had hoped that one day I might get mention on Iggy’s popular blog, but I didn’t expect that it would happen already. In fact, I’m not even sure how anyone would even have found this site, as it’s been up only a few weeks and the only people who know it’s here were the few friends that I mentioned it to.
Of course, getting added to the blogroll at Guinness and Poker merely helps to reinforce my unworthiness of mention. So, it’s time to put the WPT on the TV (CityTV, a local station, bought the rights to rebroadcast the first season) and finish earning my reload bonus at Empire. Then maybe I’ll have some good poker to write about.
Thursday, February 19th, 2004I love my company. Tonight the glee club had arranged an outing to go curling at the Leaside Curling Club. Not many people knew how to play so I ended up skipping one of the teams, but we all had a lot of fun. We managed to win 6-1 over the other team on top of that, and we had free beer and pizza afterwards, so all and all, it was a great night. Of course, when I realized it was only 10pm when I got home and I’d have a little time to go online for some poker, even though I was a little toasted and should have known better. But, fortunately I was in and out and pulled a 5 dollar night. (which works about to a 6BB evening) Of course, I managed to drop 40$ last night, but with a winning percentage of 3%, I’m pretty sure it was the cards. And without any kind of cards, there was no way I was going to win the 3 SNGs that I entered.
Fortunately, tomorrow is my home hold’em tournament. For the last month, I’ve held a 20$ buy-in pot limit texas hold’em every second friday and it’s been a lot of fun. We had 12 people the first night and 11 the second. I finished 4th and 3rd respectively, so it’s been pretty good, but I’m looking for a 1st place finish. I just hope that the weather holds out tomorrow so that we don’t have any cancellations.