It’s been a few days since I last posted and there’s a very simple reason for this. I am an Olympics junkie. I’ve probably watched in the neighbourhood of 30 hours of Olympics coverage so far. Everything from Women’s Softball to Synchronized Diving (yay for Canada’s only medal so far!) to Beach Volleyball (and congrats to both the American and Canadian men and women teams who played some spectacular volleyball on Monday) to Women’s Water Polo. And well, at least a small piece of just about every event so far.
And while I have no small amount of patriotic pride for any event in which Canada is competing, regardless of the countries involved, I appreciate any hard fought athletic contest and since these are the Olympics, nearly every contest is hard fought.
It doesn’t mean I haven’t played any poker, and despite a disappointing afternoon at the tables on Sunday, I’m up a decent chunk over the past few days, though that likely wouldn’t be the case were it not for two large bonuses released at Pokerstars (3 and 4 tabling at 1/2 proved to be a profitable endeavor, and moved me through the last 900 or so FPPs I needed for both bonuses) But, most of my recollections are much more vivid from watching Olympics than my time at the poker tables, so there isn’t much to write about.
I have to give a shoutout to the women’s fencing team and the girl from Atlanta (where I’m at) who took a bronze in Women’s sabre. I’ve actually fenced in local tournaments at her school and met her coach. I didn’t think much of it at the time, but it’s pretty cool.