Same old, same old at the tables this afternoon, but that’s not a bad thing.
Played a little 4-table 25PL at Party this afternoon. Started off badly slow-playing a set of queens and throughing all my money after it when the flush hit. Another 30 minutes and I managed to dig the hole all the way to $50. But, a several hundred hands of solid play brought me up to +$75 before dropping down to $50. My food was ready, so I decided to call it a session. And that should be the hands I needed for Party to send me a free cap and jacket.
Didn’t intend to play any more today, but a few hours later I was tempted by the soft 2/4 tables at Pacific. With my short sessions I’m not sure if I’ve just been lucky or if these tables were as beatable as they seemed, so I was curious to find out. Well, my first session was pretty short, but I managed to win 9BB in a few orbits. I owe this more to the bad play of others at the table than I do to any particular quality play of my own. I’m not playing badly, but there hasn’t been any call to play well either.
After a short break I was back at it and this time I was around for a while. The table was weak-passive and I told advantage to the tune of 12BB in the hour I was there. And it would have been a lot more were it not for K that forced me to split my flopped broadway straight. I can’t imagine what the guy was thinking staying in until the river with JT. He can’t have thought he was good with my pre-flop raise, so I guess he was playing the gut-shot draw. Frustrating in this instance, but this is definitely the kind of player I want at my table. I did hit some lucky cards in this session however, so I still can’t firmly say that I’m good at this level.
Actually, who am I kidding? I may not be a great player, but the competition at 2/4 at Pacific is horrible. Play some solid tight-aggressive poker, don’t get too fancy, and there’s a fair chunk of change to be made. Now if only you could play more than one table.
My theory is that the reason people are so loose on Pacific is because they only allow one table play. This makes the games much more like B&M games, which are full of loose passive gamboolers.
Actually, that’s a very good point. It’s back to people playing bored wanting some action, as is the case with any home games I host, and I imagine much like most B&M play. Well, there’s one mystery solved.