*sigh* Looks like I’m joining The Fat Guy on the sidelines as another dejected hockey fan who’s 5th place team got bounced in the first round of the playoffs. Another year and another stupid loss for the Senators. This time it was the tale of two goalies. One who kept his team in the series through 6 games, and one who managed to fall apart in the crucial game 7. I imagine this will be the end of Lalime’s career in Ottawa. It’s also the end of my chances in my hockey pool.
After the disappointing hockey game, I was hoping for something to cheer me up a bit, so I figured a poker win would do nicely. Of course, sitting at the tables in bad frame of mind is not a +EV move and I quickly dropped 10BB at the .5/1 tables. Fortunately I could easily spot the bad plays on my part and tightened up considerably to turn my night around in the last 100 hands I played. I ended the night up 37BB, which was in large part due to a rivered broadway straight for a 29BB pot I probably shouldn’t have been in. But still, even the 8BB would have been 3BB an hour, which isn’t awful.
This was my 6th winning session in a row, for a total of 210$ at the .5/1 and 25NL tables since my last lost. Another hundred bucks and I’ll have my bankroll high enough that I can dip my toes into the 2/4 waters. It seems a bit strange to hit the 2/4 tables when I was having a rough go of it at 1/2 (though cards certainly didn’t help there), but there are more 2/4 tables, so I should be able to get some fishier tables. And besides, even if I take a beating at 2/4, my bankroll would be able to handle it.
Hey dude, just discovered your blog. Its great! Poker and Hockey. I love it. I’m in Vancouver, huge Canucks fan. Of course, the Canucks lost in a 7th Game OT, so I know exactly what you mean about the crushing “sigh”. Check out my blog too if you’ve got some time. Cheers.
Dude, I’m a Rangers fan… so I have no one to root for.
JP, you can understand some of my pain, but I live in Toronto, so on top of the loss, I’ve had to hear about it from Leafs fans for the past week. Actually turned out not too bad since the CEO of my company wasn’t in most of last week, and he’s usually the one who gets on the intercom at the office to make a few comments.
And Pauly? The Rangers? That’s too bad. At least there aren’y any expectations though. :)