I’ve stolen most of this post from Pauly’s site, as he had all the information, so don’t be surprised if you’ve already read this.
Charlie Tuttle is a dear friend to the blogging community and the best friend of Jason ‘Spaceman’. After a long battle with cancer, he passed away a couple of weeks ago. In honor of Charlie’s memory, several bloggershave set up a memorial tournament with all proceeds going towards a fund selected by Charlie’s family.
If you don’t know the story… feel free to read: A Guy named Charlie.
Here is the tournamnet information (thanks to BG):
WPBT “Charlie” Tournament
When? 6PM EST Sunday July 17th
Where? PokerStars
How Much? $20 – and every penny goes to charity
What Do I Get When I Win? The comfort of knowing you’re doing something good for someone else. Though as with many blogger events, there may be the odd bounty being offered.
Who can play? Anyone. If you’re reading this, then you are a poker blog reader and are welcome to join.
Where will the money go? All the proceeds from the tournament will go to a fund designated by Charlie Tuttle’s family.
I haven’t signed up yet, but I will be when I get home this evening. And so should you.
Thanks Travis!